Antoinette Marchese Clancy School of Nursing
为了申请传统的4学期注册护士课程或GCC的高级护理课程(LPN到RN), please attend a Nursing Information Session. Be sure to register for the appropriate session.
- In-person sessions are held in the Med-Tech Building – School of Nursing, which is located across the street from the main campus.
- 在线 sessions are held via Zoom and a Zoom link will be provided via email 72-48 hours prior to event.
GCC’s two-year Nursing program prepares you to pass the national R.N. 授权检查, and is accredited by the 认证 Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). 该计划将护理理论与区域卫生服务提供者现场监督的实际临床经验相结合. Unique to associate degree programs in WNY, GCC护理课程的最后一个学期包括在整个纽约西部地区的医疗保健环境中与注册护士一起进行为期四周的顶点/实习经历.
您将通过GCC护理课程获得的专业知识和实践经验将为各种实践环境打开大门. You will be free to pursue the rewards of helping people in a wide range of possible job settings.
You can also join the Nurse’s Club, which focuses on promoting leadership in Nursing. 会员还通过提供卫生信息和向卫生相关组织作出慈善捐助,参与社区活动.
GCC is proud to be a part of the Alpha Delta Nu Nursing Honor Society. Established by the Organization f或者一个ssociate Degree Nursing (OADN), GCC was chartered as the Delta Beta Chapter in 2015. Alpha Delta Nu让护理专业的学生有机会获得学术卓越的认可,并鼓励他们追求更高的学位.
- Our two-year Nursing program prepares you to pass the national RN 授权检查.
- We have an Advanced 放置 program for LPN to RN students. Currently licensed LPNs who qualify for the program can complete the nursing requirement in 2 semesters.
- GCC’s Nursing program has an NCLEX pass rate that is higher than both the 纽约 State and National averages.
- We offer clinical experiences in Genesee, Livingston, Orleans, Wyoming, Erie and Monroe counties.
- We incorporate technology in the Nursing program, 使用pda, 病人模拟人体模型, 混合课程.
- Our Nursing classes are all offered in a combination classroom and online format.
- Our Nursing program has a state-of-the-art facility in the Med-Tech Park across from the 巴达维亚 campus.
Starting at GCC saves many students and their families thousands of dollars in tuition. 以A开头.S. 或者一个.A. 您将能够在纽约州立大学的64所学院和大学以及许多四年制私立机构之间无缝转换. GCC的.S. 和一个.A. 该项目是作为纽约州立大学无缝转学计划的一部分开发的,允许学生在社区学院完成大一和大二学士学位的前两年, then seamlessly transfer to a SUNY four-year institution to earn a bachelor’s degree. 请参考纽约州立大学学位课程的转学途径,了解任何校园的具体要求. 访问纽约州立大学核心课程查找器,计划您应该完成的课程以转入纽约州立大学四年制学校.
如果你打算转学到四年制私立大学,你应该与我们的转学服务办公室合作,了解我们许多学位课程可能存在的衔接协议和途径. 一些GCC A.A.S. programs also have transfer opportunities.
To learn more about these opportunities and agreements contact the 接送服务办事处, 我们非常乐意与您合作,并回答您在建立自己的个性化转让计划方面可能遇到的任何问题.
Transfer opportunities include, but are not limited to:
- 张伯伦大学*
- 德门大学*
- D 'Youville大学
- 精益求精的大学
- Keuka大学
- 拿撒勒大学
- 尼亚加拉大学
- 罗伯茨卫斯理学院*
- 圣人大学*
- St. 约翰费雪学院*
- 纽约州立大学宾厄姆顿
- 纽约州立大学阿尔弗雷德州立大学*
- 纽约州立大学布罗克波特分校*
- 纽约州立大学广州分校*
- 纽约州立大学德里分校*
- 纽约州立帝国学院*
- 宾厄姆顿的纽约州立大学
- 纽约州立大学布法罗分校
- 纽约州立大学北部医学院*
- Trocaire大学
- 罗切斯特大学*
*GCC has current transfer agreements with the above noted institutions.